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Dopo aver concluso il primo anno di servizio ai malatti di HIV (CCO) da marzo 2016 a febbraio 2017,  in un incontro con Padre Hillary e i volontari del Centro slovacco che concretamente attuerà il programma per la cura dei nostri malati di HIV a Msabaha, valutati alcuni inconvenienti del primo anno del nostro impegno, di comune accordo si è pensato di attribuire la responsabilità del progetto non più al centro Usikiriano di Bratislava, ma bensì al parroco stesso che da questo anno diviene il nostro interlocutore unico.  E’ stato confermato anche per questo anno la somma di Euro 4000 da erogarsi in due rate e la seconda rata in settembre dopo un sopralluogo ed una verifica accurata che tutte le condizioni siano state rispettate. Per ben inquadrare il nostro lavoro, si rimanda alla pagina web dello scorso anno. In data 21 febbraio 2017 è stato così firmato l’accordo che viene di seguito pubblicato

In seguito a questo accordo è stata versata la prima rata di Euro 2000 il 1 marzo 2017 ed ha avuto così inizio il secondo anno del nostro servizio ai malati di HIV
Qui di seguito viene riportato il bonifico effettuato dal nostro tesoriere Luigi Pacini:

Ed ecco il primo report dell’anno 2017

Hello good people of Santina association, this is the first report of according to the agreement which was signed by the president of Santina association on 21th of February 2017 for one year. The HIV clients are very happy for the support because it is really helping them a lot. We have a challenge with the maize flour; the price of maize flour is always increasing. When we started the food program we used to a buy 24 kilograms for 10 euro now it has increased to more than 15 euro.  

On Tuesday 14th March we went to the hospital to give the doctors our list of our clients so that they can prepare the drugs for each client in time. On Wednesday 15th March as usual we started to remind our clients by calling them those clients who have phones. Also those clients who don’t have phones we went to their homes to remind them. On Thursday 16th March was the day of CCO and we went to the hospital in the morning to pick the doctors. By around 9am the doctors were already at our Centre. The doctors started examine them one by one and give them medication. This time seven clients didn’t come but three of them they have drugs because they went to hospital for some other healthy complications but they were also given HIV drugs. The other four clients were asked by the doctors to go to hospital for checkup before given drugs. One of our clients called Waziri is still in bad condition and he is bedridden at home. He is very weak and even his skin has many dark spot. Also the legs are swollen. One of Our HIV clients gave birth. This month only two clients got some food supplements from the hospital for one month. On 17th of March we distributed maize flour for the 26 clients. The 26 clients are so thankfully for the food program and they really appreciate it.  The number of HIV clients has reduced from 60 clients to 56 clients. This is because one client died on February and the other three they shifted to another area which is very far from the Centre.
Next CCO is on 13th of April 2017


Hallo good people of Santina, it’s my hope that everybody is doing well. This is the second report according to the new agreement which was signed on 21th of February this year. First of all I would like to thanks for the support. Our HIV clients they really appreciate the support because it really helping them in terms of transport and food. For the transport the clients now they don’t have to go the district hospital anymore which is far and they don’t have money for transport, they just walk to our Centre and collect drug and go back home.

For the food, we have 26 clients who are receiving 24 kilograms of maize flour every month and most of them there have improved and they are happy. Last month we lost one of our clients (Waziri). He died on 27th march on Monday morning, May hi soul rest in peace Amen.  On Tuesday 11th April we went to the hospital to give the doctors our list of our clients so that they can prepare the drugs for each client in time. On Wednesday 12th April as usual we started to remind our clients by calling them those clients who have phones.

Also those clients who don’t have phones we went to their homes to remind them. On Thursday 13th March was the day of CCO and we went to the hospital in the morning to pick the doctors. By around 9am the doctors were already at our Centre. The doctors started examine them one by one and give them medication. The outreach was really good, for the first time all our clients came and three of them were given drugs for three months each. This time only one client received food supplements from hospital.

Hallo good people of Santina, it’s my hope that everybody is doing well. On Tuesday 9th May we went to the hospital to give the doctors our list of our clients so that they can prepare the drugs for each client in time. On Wednesday 10th May as usual we started to remind our clients by calling them those clients who have phones. Also those clients who don’t have phones we went to their homes to remind them. This time it was a bit problem to get them at their homes because, this is season for cultivation. Many of our clients were on their farms cultivating. We were forced to follow them on their farms especial the old clients so that we can remind them.

That day was a busy day for me because I cycled almost a half day home after home of our clients. On Thursday 11th May was the day of CCO and we went to the hospital in the morning to pick the doctors. By around 9am the doctors were already at our Centre. This day was good because almost half of our clients were at our Centre waiting for the doctors. The nurse started collecting their clinic cards and after she started calling them one by one. The doctors started examine them one by one and after they were sent to the pharmacist and the pharmacist gave them medicine.  The nutritionist was there together with Doreen.

The nutritionist was measuring all the clients’ height, weight, Muac and blood pressure and Doreen was helping the nutritionist calculating BMI so that the nutritionist can know who supposed to get food supplements according to the numbers of BMI. Good news is that all our clients there BMI is good and nobody received food supplements from the hospital. This is a good sign that the food program is really helping our clients. This time we have not net bought the maize flour because the whole country has a shortage of maize flour. All the shelves in the shops and supper market are empty and also the price is almost double. Now the 24 kilos of maize flour is 17 euro and it was used to be 10 euro. Now we are waiting for the flour to come to the shops then we buy.This all our clients came and the doctor were very happy see them. 

Hallo friends of Santina, I hope all of you are ok. First of all I would like to say thank to all people who are in the association and big thank to the president of the association Luigi Ginami.  The association is helping our HIV clients to access medical easily than before. Before most of our clients were forced to walk more than thirteen kilometers to the district hospital to get drugs, for this reason most of the clients were not going to hospital and they were not taking drugs regularly. Also they didn’t have money for transport and they were also weak. Now things has changed completely because every month they have outreach close to their homes (CCO) they are just walking few minutes to the Centre, and if they don’t come because of healthy complications we normally take drugs to their homes or we keep them at our Centre until he or she comes after one or two days. If not we take drugs to his or her home. Our clients now the take drugs regularly and they are very happy. When they come for the drugs you can see the smile on their face and also their healthy is in good condition most of them. Most of our clients are now friends when they meet at our Centre they are talking to each other and changing ideas which very good to them. They are not shy to each other now days than before. Some of our clients used to come for the outreach to get the drugs but when they go home they don’t take drugs regularly and when you ask them they are saying they have no food. Sometimes they have only one meal per day or nothing the whole day and the drugs are very strong they the clients to eat food before they take the drugs. When the Santina association introduced the food program for them they were so happy. Now they take drugs regularly and their healthy has changed and they don’t have healthy complication regularly like before.  Thank you all friends of Santina association and God bless you all.  On Wednesday 7th June as usual we started to remind our clients by calling them those clients who have phones. Also those clients who don’t have phones we went to their homes to remind them. These months of rainy season we have problem to get them at their homes because, this is season for cultivation. Many of our clients were on their farms cultivating. We were forced to follow them on their farms especial the old clients so that we can remind them. That day was a busy day for me because I cycled almost a half day home after home of our clients.  On Thursday 8th May was the day of CCO and we went to the hospital in the morning to pick the doctors. By around 8am the doctors were already at our Centre. Also this day was good like last time because almost half of our clients were at our Centre waiting for the doctors and when the doctors came most of the clients were waiting for them. The nurse started collecting their clinic cards and after she started calling them one by one. The doctor started examines them one by one and after they were sent to the pharmacist and the pharmacist gave them medicine. The nutritionist was there together with Doreen. The nutritionist was measuring all the clients’ height, weight, Muac and blood pressure and Doreen was helping the nutritionist calculating BMI so that the nutritionist can know who supposed to get food supplements according to the numbers of BMI. Good news is that all our clients there BMI is good and nobody received food supplements from the hospital. This is a good sign that the food program is really helping our clients. Bad news is that one client is non recovery (nutrition) and she is in stage fourThis time also we didn’t not net bought the maize flour because the whole country has a shortage of maize flour. All the shelves in the shops and supper market are empty and also the price is almost double. Now the 24 kilos of maize flour is 17 euro and it was used to be 10 euro. Last months and this month we bought rice and beans for our clients because we still shortage of maize flour. NEXT CCO IS ON 6th JULY

This month we did one small change on the side of doctors, this time we took only three people: clinician, nurse and pharmacist. We did not take nutritionist with us because the clinician informed us there were no malnourished people in our group of HIV clients. However, later we found out that the nutritionist was not giving a good report to the nutrition department in the hospital. He was not doing his work properly. On the CCO day all Ushirikiano staff was there and the logistician Jarka was doing the work of the nutritionist and she found out that some of the children were malnourished and were eligible to receive support from the hospital. After the CCO she went to the hospital with the report and some children received food supplements. Also this time Doreen didn’t come for the outreach because she was not feeling well. On Tuesday the 4th July Slovak logisticians took the CCO list to the hospital so that doctors can prepare the medicine in advance. On Wednesday the 5th July as usual we started to remind our clients by calling those clients who have phones. Also those clients who don’t have phones we went to their homes to remind them. These months of rainy season we have problem to get them at their homes because, this is the season for cultivation. Many of our clients were on their farms cultivating. We were forced to follow them on their farms especially the old clients so that we can remind them. That day was a busy day for me because I cycled almost a half day from home to home to call our clients.    Thursday the 6th July was the day of CCO and our Slovak logisticians went to the hospital in the morning to pick the doctors. As usual the doctors were late and the logisticians had to wait for them. By around 10:30am the doctors were at our Centre. Also this day was good like last time because more than a half of our clients were at our Centre waiting for the doctors and when the doctors came most of the clients welcomed them. The doctors greeted them and the nurse started collecting their clinic cards and after she started calling them one by one. The doctor started to examine them one by one and after they were sent to the pharmacist and the pharmacist gave them medicine.As I said before the nutritionist was not there so our logistician Jarka together with me and the doctors we were doing the work of the nutritionist. We measured the height, weight, MUAC and we calculated BMI.Our plan for the future of the food program is to give the clients a small portion of the food every week for the period of one month. We have discovered that clients when you give them everything at once they eat everything in few days and then they remain without food. From next time they will come to our Centre every week to pick a portion of food. We are going to divide the food into four portions so that every week they will receive small portion. This will encourage them to eat regularly and get better eating habits.This month three children received food supplements from hospital and they are coming to our Centre to pick the nutritious porridge every week. Also those clients who are in the food program we gave them rice and beans because we still have shortage of maize flour. Next CCO visit is planned for the 3th of August.

Hello good people of Santina! I hope everybody is doing fine. This month we had CCO on the 3rd of August, and we will have another one on 31st of August. We did everything in a similar way as the last month. This month we took three people from the hospital – the clinician, pharmacist and a good nutritionist. This time we didn’t take the nurse, because all the nurses are on strike and also because we talked to Mr. Njoroge, the head of the CCO department, and he was very surprised that we take every month so many people. They are not necessary, there is not so much work for this many people. Our logistician Jarka, Ushirikiano staff and Doreen were doing the work of the nurse by measuring weight, height and MUAC. On Tuesday 1st August the logistician took the CCO list to the hospital so that doctors can prepare the medicine in advance. On Wednesday 2nd August as usual we started to remind our clients by calling those clients who have phones. Also those clients who don’t have phones we went to their homes to remind them.    Thursday 3rd August was the day of CCO and our logistician went to the hospital in the morning to pick the doctors. This time the doctors were late again, she had to wait for more than one hour for them. By around 10:40 am the doctors were at our Centre. The doctors were surprised to see almost all of our clients were in one room waiting for them. This month Fr. Hilary borrowed us one big room to use for the outreach; it was really nice because all the clients were in one room with the doctors. The nutritionist with Jarka was very busy calculating BMI and checking Z-score and by the end of the day they found that 11 children their Z score was not good. Seven of them were underweight and other four were seriously malnourished. Also they found out that seven adult HIV clients were malnourished too – their BMI was low. In the hospital there were only food supplements for adult, so the nutritionist gave us only for the adult. The children were not lucky, so we had to buy porridge from the shop. We hope that the supplies arrive soon to the hospital, but for the month of august we buy one kilo per week of nutritious porridge for each underweight and malnourished child.We have also started to give the food in four parts to some of our client who are in the food program. They come every Wednesday to our Centre to pick their weekly portion. It is good now because we can see them every week and we can talk to them about the balanced diet and to use the food properly, we ask them if they have any problem we can try to help them through the hospital.Next CCO is 31th of August. On 31st of AUGUST we will bring also lab technician on CCO day and he will take blood sample of all our client for Viral load test.  Thank you and God Bless you! 

In seguito al 25mo viaggio di solidarietà svolto dal Presidente Mons. Luigi Ginami in Kenya in data 19 settembre è avvenuto un terzo, lungo ed estenuante incontro con Jarmilla Holkova (Jarka) per tentare di stabilire una cooperazione più stabile con il Centro. Da tre anni si chiede possibilità di discutere l’impianto dell’accordo con il Presidente di tale Associazione dell’Università Santa Elisabetta di Bratislava in Slovacchia. Tale possibilità non è mai avvenuta e mai tale Presidente si è interessato alla nostra attività associativa. Con dispiacere il direttivo, informato da Mons. Ginami, decide di terminare la cooperazione con tale Centro con l’invio di un’ultima rata di Euro 2000 ed informando il Vescovo di Malindi di tale decisione. Ecco il bonifico con il quale si chiude la cooperazione