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La quarta giornata di questo viaggio è stata particolarmente impegnativa ma molto costruttiva. Dopo aver parlato di Julius ed Ethan è importante parlare di cose concrete per non dare l’idea ai bei pensanti che stia facendo una sorta di turismo missionario in Kenya. Chi pensasse in questo modo si sbaglia di grosso. Msabaha è una parrocchia lontana diversi chilometri da Malindi. In questa regione vi è forte presenza di HIV che si trasforma frequentemente e rapidamente in AIDS. La gente affetta da HIV riceve dall’ospedale di Malindi gratuitamente medicine, ma la povera gente non ha denaro per andare a Malindi e quindi spesso i poveri non hanno acceso a queste costose cure.

Con Jimmy abbiamo pensato di pagare un medico perché possa venire una volta al mese ad incontrare e visitare i pazienti sieropositivi e quelli che già vivono nella morsa dell’AIDS. Convinti della bontà del progetto che già aveva visto la sua nascita quattro anni fa, ma che poi non era stato sviluppata per mancanza di mezzi, oggi siamo andati da padre Hillary per ricevere la sua approvazione ed avere indicazioni su dove porre il nostro logo associativo. Padre HIllary immediatamente acconsente e allora di corsa all’ospedale. Parliamo con la signora responsabile del reparto che cura l’AIDS e chiediamo a lei cosa ne pensa. Lei dice che è un bel progetto ma che deve essere sottoposto al direttore generale dell’ospedale. Prendiamo appuntamento per il giorno dopo mattina alle 9. Poi andiamo a far stampare su tela plasticata resistente all’acqua il nostro logo Associativo che verrà esposto nel luogo delle visite mensili. Torniamo da padre Hillary che ci chiede di parlare con la suora addetta al dispensario per coinvolgerla. La suora risponde prontamente di si.


Sto raccogliendo tutti gli elementi, poi vorrei con un giro di telefonate whathapp chiedere autorizzazione al Direttivo ed inaugurare tale attività in questi giorni. Si tratta di una attività semplice ed umile ma di grande portata sociale ed umana. Abbiamo fiducia che le cose andranno per il verso giusto anche se aprire questo ambulatorio ci fa venire i brividi. Dunque: noi paghiamo un dottore che venga a somministrare costose cure perché i poveri non possono permettersi neppure il viaggio a Malindi! Il ragionamento sembra filare… Ma invece? Invece si genera una seconda domanda, ma se si danno costose medicine senza fornire una semplice alimentazione questa non è perfida contraddizione demoniaca? Io penso di si. Questi bambini, giovani e donne hanno nella loro mano sinistra le costose pastiglie contro AIDS, ma nella mano destra stringono il vuoto di una vita disperata lontana dai canoni della sopravvivenza? Che fare? Questa è la,formidabile domanda, ma ad essa non voglio rispondere io voglio solo portare il dottore una volta al mese a Msabaha… Poi Dio penserà a fare il resto…. Ne sono veramente sicuro !


Il direttivo del marzo 2016 ha approvato il progetto annuale descritto nei due documenti che riportiamo in seguito per completezza ed ha inviato alla Diocesi di Malindi Euo 2400 ecco il bonifico:

01 Bonifico 2400 euro per iniziativa di HIV in Kenya

il bonifico qui riportato è stato come sempre accompagnato da una lettera la Vescovo di Malindi che si può leggere qui.


Il 17 Marzo 2016 ha avuto inizio la prima visita dei medici a Msabaha per la cura dei malati HIV e Jimmy ha inviato a noi il seguente rapporto in inglese:


At the morning of 17th of March we pick up the doctors from hospital. We brought them to Msabaha centre and they prepare the room (with our assistance) for examination for the patients. After preparing the room more than ten patients have already waited outside for examination and medications. All patients were coming to our centre in 4 hours. The doctors started to examine them and right after that they gave them medicine. On this Thursday came 43 clients. There are 53 clients together in this project. It was very good number of people who came. If somebody is not able to come that day he/she has to send family member to take the medication. From 43 clients we have 12 children. At this time we don’t have any new clients. Six of these people were malnourished so special food supplements were given to them from hospital for free. We choose 13 people from these clients who are really poor and sometimes they don’t take drugs because they don’t have food so we made agreement with Associazione Onlus Amici Di Santina Zucchinelli that we give them 24kilograms of maize flour every month.  On 18th of March we distribute maize flour to these people. They were happy and thankful for this support. In this month there were not serious health complications. Next CCO is going to be on 14th of April. We hope we are going to see all 53 clients.
Accounting: 6000 – salary for doctors13000 – flour
James Kazungu Katana
Kristina Plskova


On Wednesday 13th of April we started by call our clients those who have phone to remind them about the CCO at our centre. Also those have no phone we went to their homes to remind them too. We have to do this because most of our clients they don’t know how to be ready and which date is writen on their clinic cards. The next day was 14th of April and most of our clients came in time before the doctors. The doctors were very happy to see a big number of clients waiting for them.  Most of our clients came. Only four clients didn’t come but we kept the drugs for them and they will pick them at our centre next week. Also we have four new clients, this is because of the food program. Most of our clients were asking for food support because they don’t have food to eat before the drugs and if they don`t eat before taking madication they have stomage problems.  The doctors started to examine them and right after that they gave them medicine. On this Thursday came 48 clients. Now they are 56 clients together in this project. It was very good number of people who came. Now we have drugs for four clients in our centre waiting for to pick them, if not after one day we bring drugs to their homes and give them. In this month we have not bought maize flour yet because the price has changed. Now we going shop after shop to look for a batter price, as soon as we find we will buy and give to 13 people. We still have six people who are malnourished and they have special food supplements  from hospital for free. We choose 13 people from these clients who are really poor and sometimes they don’t take drugs because they don’t have food so we made agreement with Associazione Onlus Amici Di Santina Zucchinelli that we give them 24kilograms of maize flour every month. They were happy and thankful for this support.  In this month there were two serious health complications they send them to district hospital for check up and examination. Next CCO is going to be on 12th of May. We hope we are going to see all 56 clients.
Accounting: 6000 – salary for doctors
(flour is going to be aroud 13000 KSH)
James Kazungu Katana
Kristina Plskova


First of all I would like to apologies to you for sending report late. This is because we were very busy paying school fees so our children should not be sent home from school because of fees. On 11th of May on Wednesday as usual we remind our clients about CCO on Thursday by call them-those who have phone and those who don’t have phones we went to their homes reminding them too, special those old clients and those who can’t read the date on their clinic cards. Next day was 12th of May Thursday and as usual we went to the hospital to pick up the doctors.
Most of our clients came but eight of them didn’t come but we kept the drugs at our office for them. And the following day some of them came and pick their drugs and when we ask them why they didn’t come on time they said they forget they were busy cultivation and planting maize because is rainy season special the old clients. For the second time the clients ask for food support because they heard others are getting food and they are in the same condition. Which is true because without food at least once a day the drugs give them some complications. The doctors started their work by calling clients one by one examine them and give them medication and those who were having some complication the doctors write prescription for them to buy drugs but they don’t have money for the drugs. Our project Ushirikiano is helping them sometimes if we have money. We buy medications for them if we haven`t then we have no other option. This is our challenge as project.
This time our clients who came were 50 and also we had one new client so the number of our clients is growing. This show us that the stigma is reducing. Now we have 59 clients. In this month we also gave the 13 people maize flour but six days after the CCO day because we were busy with school fees. Also we have challenges with the price of maize flour because the price is increasing weekly and we have fixed budget.
This time only Naomi was given supplements from hospital and the doctor prescribed drugs for blood booster because her HB is very low
Sincerely James Kazungu Katana


Nel mese di maggio siamo tornati a Mshabaha, nel contesto della missione Restoring Hope in Garissa 2016 ed abbiamo ben analizzato la situazione. Ecco il report del Dottor Emanuele Berbenni sulla nostra attività: Giovedì  mattina 5 maggio, durante il nostro soggiorno in Kenya per il viaggio di solidarietà “Restoring Hope in Garissa 2016”, al Temple Point Resort  che ci ospitava a Watamu, abbiamo fatto il punto sul programma “Comprehensive Care Outreach di Msabaha”.  Prima della riunione, abbiamo incontrato il responsabile medico del centro per la cura dell’AIDS dell’ospedale di Malindi. Ci è stata suggerita la possibilità di incrementare il supporto alimentare per i nostri 13 malati di HIV denutriti – vengono inclusi coloro che non superano  i 39 kg di peso – in modo da fornire loro un’alimentazione più adeguata; tuttavia, considerata la situazione e i numerosi malati bisognosi che non hanno nemmeno il minimo per sfamarsi, abbiamo preferito fare un altro sforzo per estendere il nostro programma di alimentazione base a più persone possibili. Siamo così giunti alla conclusione, dopo attenta discussione e conti alla mano, che esistono le reali condizioni per poter aumentare il programma di alimentazione e raddoppiare il numero delle persone che possiamo seguire, da 13 a 26 malati, per un totale di euro 1600. Il progetto così giunge ad un totale di euro 4000. A tale cifra si deve aggiungere una piccola spesa di euro 180 per l’acquisto di una bilancia per l’ambulatorio di Msabaha. In data 10 maggio ’16 don Luigi Ginami ha provveduto all’invio della somma – attraverso Money gram –  al nostro Jimmy, chiedendo a lui di inviare ricevuta e fotografie dell’acquisto.  Per la terza visita dei medici a Msabaha, prevista per la penultima settimana del mese di maggio, la bilancia dovrà essere operativa. Siamo in attesa, infine, di ricevere i nuovi reports sui 56 pazienti seguiti presso l’ambulatorio di Msabaha.
Dottor Emanuele Berbenni responsabile del Progetto
Comprehensive Care Outreach Msabah, Kenya

Foto bonifico HIVBonifico di Euro 1600 in data 9 giugno 2016 ad integrazione della cifra di Euro 2400
destinato al programma medico e nutrizionale dei pazienti sieropositivi

In seguito alla relazione del Dottor Berbenni, il Direttivo riunitosi nelle settimane seguenti a Roma, decide di rendere operativo il suggerimento del team della spedizione. Il Dottor Luigi Pacini firma così un BONIFICO per Euro 1600, accompagnato da una lettera di presentazione al Vescovo di Malindi. Rimaniamo in attesa dei report di giugno luglio e agosto che di devono pervenire dal centro



On Wednesday 8th of June we started us usual by call our clients those who have phone to remind them about the CCO at our centre. Also those doesn`t have phone we went to their homes to remind them too. We have to do this because most of our clients they don’t know how to be ready and which date is writen on their clinic cards. The next day was 9th of June and most of our clients came in time before the doctors. The doctors were very happy to see a big number of clients waiting for them.  Most of our clients came on time. Only few clients didn’t come but we destrubute the drugs for them. Lot of our clients were asking for food support because they don’t have food to eat before the drugs and if they don`t eat before taking madication they have stomage problems. The doctors started to examine them and right after that they gave them medicine. This time all our clients were given special drugs for preventing TB and they will take this kind of drugs for six months. In this month we received money for other 13 people and from next month 26 people will receive 24 kg of maize flour each. Naomi is getting special care because her HB was very low. Now she is getting maize flour, vagetables and fruits and blood booster drugs. Since then now her HB has gone higher from 4. 7 to 11.9.  This month seven clients received special food supliments from hospital because their BMI was not that good.  In this month PILI Rhamadan was hospitalised for few days and then her family diceided to discherge her from hospital. Because her condition is very bad and they have no hope she will survive. Now she is at home bedriden waiting her to come. Sincerely James Kazungu Katana


On Wednesday of 6th of July we started as usual by calling our clients those who have phones to remind them about CCO at our centre. Also those clients who doesn’t have phones we went to their homes to remind them too.This time it was bit challenge because most of our clients we to their homes were not at home. They were cultivating their farms. So we had to trace them to their farms so that they should not miss CCO.Next day was 7th of July we went and pick the doctors in hospital. When the doctors arrived half of our clients were waiting for them. Some of them put on CCO t shirt. Without wasting time the nurse started collecting clinic cards from the clients. Doctor started to examine them and gave medicine. Also the doctor gave them special drugs for preventing them from TB. This month 26 clients are in food program and they will receive 24 kilogram of maize flour. Good thing about food program. The 26 clients are taking drugs regularly now days because they have food although is not enough but it’s better than nothing. Before they were not taking drugs regularly because they didn’t have food. The drugs are very strong without food.This month only seven clients were supposed to receive food supplements from hospital but they didn’t because at hospital they didn’t have supplements. By the end of last month (June) Pili Ramadan died after one month of serious ill. May her soul rest in peace. Naomi is getting special care because her HB is very low. Now she is getting energy giving food. Now her HB has gone higher to 11.9 also she is taking blood booster drugs recommended by the doctor. Next CCO is 4th of August.

On Wednesday 31st of August we started as usual by call our clients those who have phone to remind them about the CCO at our Centre. Also those doesn`t have phone we went to their homes to remind them too. The next day was 1st of September the cco day. On this day only four clients didn’t come. The doctors didn’t this time left drugs for them. They told us when they come they should go to hospital for the drugs and also for viral load blood test. On this day we also had Lab personal for viral load blood test. Good news is that one child who was under special drugs for preventing her getting the virus since birth. On this day she did the last test and she is negative and from that day she is not under drugs anymore. The doctor started examine them one by one and give them medication. Also they continue giving those special drugs for preventing them from TB but only few were given. The number of clients is increasing slowly by slowly. The doctors are requesting if possible CCO can be done twice a month so that they can have good time for each client. This month is our sad month because on 5th of September we lost one of our client who died and she was in the food program. She died at hospital where she was admitted for few days. Now we are going to replace her with another client. 26 clients are getting food and each of them is 24 kilograms of maize flour. This month they were not serious health problems. All were given medicine and those who are underweight were given special food supplements from hospital. Three adults and four children received food supplements from hospital. Next CCO visit is on 29th of September this year. This is because the doctors normally give drugs after every four weeks. This month is going to twice.

02-giugno-2016Una delle nostre pazienti sta usando la nostra nuova bilancia costata Euro 180

Hallo doctor Emanuel and Fr Gigi it’s my hope that all of you are ok. This month we had CCO twice because the first CCO was at 1st of September. Doctors are giving drugs after every four weeks, that’s why this month had doubled. One day before the CCO we started by calling them those clients who have phones to remind them. Also those clients who don’t have phones we went to their homes to remind them too. This time five pupils came to our CCO for HIV test but good news is that both of them were negative. This is good sign because the stigma is becoming low and it’s good for the community of Msabaha. The doctors started examine them one by one and give them medication. This time no client was given the drugs of preventing TB. The number of clients is 61; according to the doctors this is double the clients they check every day at hospital. The doctors are requesting CCO should be twice a month or we should not increase the number of HIV clients.   This month three clients were seriously sick. Two of them were admitted at Malindi hospital but one her condition was really bad and she was transferred to Mombasa general hospital.  The other one was discharged. One clients didn’t go to hospital because she didn’t have money for transport to hospital. The number of clients who are receiving food is still the same. There are positive changes since they started getting food. Some of the clients they have gain their energy back and you can see some smiles on their faces.   Also this month only one client was given special food supplements from the hospital. This is because she is underweight. Next CCO is 27th of October 2016. Let’s all pray for our HIV clients.

One day before the CCO we started by calling them those clients who have phones to remind them. Also those clients who don’t have phones we went to their homes to remind them too.This month we lost one of our CCO clients. She died on 17 of October and she was buried on 29 of October two days after the CCO day.  On 27th was the day of CCO and we went to the hospital and pick the doctors. By around 9am the doctors were at our Centre. The doctors started examine them one by one and give them medication. The number of clients is 59 this is because one client died and one took transfer because she was shifting from Msabaha to another place. I hope that’s she will continue taking drugs where she will be. This month one client is admitted to Malindi district hospital and she is in bad condition.   The number of clients who are receiving food is still the same. There are positive changes since they started getting food. Some of the clients they have gain their energy back and you can see some smiles on their faces. Also these clients are very thankfully for the food support.  This month only two clients were given special food supplements from the hospital. This is because she is underweight.Also this month is a blessed month because one of the CCO clients gave birth to a baby girl and she named her SANTINA. The mother named the girl SANTINA to give thanks to the association because of the good work is doing to the HIV pupils.Next CCO is 24th of September 2016. The doctors will give out drugs for two month because of December holiday. Also the clients they will receive 48 kilograms of maize flour instead of 24 kilograms for two months. This is because the Centre will be closed for two weeks on December for Christmas holiday. Thanks for the association for the support.

First of all I would like to take this opportunity to give thanks to the association Santina for the good work it has done for the HIV positive people. Now the HIV clients are taking drugs regularly because they have food than before. It’s our wish and hope that the association will continue supporting the food program. One day before the CCO we started by calling them those clients who have phones to remind them. Also those clients who don’t have phones we went to their homes to remind them too.This month three of our HIV clients are hospitalized at Malindi district hospital. On 24th was the day of CCO and we went to the hospital and pick the doctors. By around 9am the doctors were at our Centre. The doctors started examine them one by one and give them medication. This time all our clients came, only three clients who are admitted were absent but they will get drugs in the hospital. Let’s all pray for them because there are in bad condition. Six days later after the CCO one of the three clients who are admitted in the hospital died. Two are still admitted in the hospital. This year we have lost four HIV+ clients so far. This month three of our clients received special food supplements from hospital because MBI is down. They were given food supplements for one month. This month the doctors gave drugs for two months, this is because of the December holyday and the Centre will be closed too. Also the clients who are in the food program they will receive 48 kilograms of maize flour for two months.We wish all members of the association happy Christmas and prosperous new year.  Next CCO is 19th of January 2017.



First of all I would like to take this opportunity to give thanks to the association Santina for the good work it has done for the HIV positive people. Now the HIV clients are taking drugs regularly because they have food than before. It’s our wish and hope that the association will continue supporting the food program. This month we are not going to have the CCO because most of the doctors are going for Christmas holyday and also the Centre will be closed for Christmas holyday too. Good news is that our HIV+ clients, on 24th of November were given drugs for two months (November and December). Also we decided to give all our clients 48kilograms of maize flour for two months (November and December). This means all our clients they have drugs and food for two months.  I wish all members of association Santina happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.  


 Hallo good people it’s our hope that everybody in Santina association is ok and fine. This is the first report of year 2017. On Tuesday 17th JANUARY we went to the hospital to give the doctors our list of our clients so that they can prepare the drugs for each client.  On Wednesday 18th we started to remind our clients by calling them those clients who have phones. Also those clients who don’t have phones we went to their homes to remind them. On 19th was the day of CCO and we went to the hospital and pick the doctors. By around 9am the doctors were already at our Centre. The doctors started examine them one by one and give them medication. This time only three clients didn’t come but we kept drugs for them and they will pick them at our office. From these three clients one of them is in bad condition, he can’t even walk and he is bedridden at home but we sent drugs to him. We also talked with the family to take him to hospital. This month no client was given food supplements from hospital because their BMI is not that bad.   Next CCO is 16th of February 2017.


Hallo good people of santina association. This is the last report of CCO according to the agreement which was for one year. Good news is the president of the association visited the Centre and also he visited some of the HIV people. The president signed a new agreement for another year which is very good for the HIV people.   On Tuesday 14th February we went to the hospital to give the doctors our list of our clients so that they can prepare the drugs for each client . On Wednesday 15th we started to remind our clients by calling them those clients who have phones. Also those clients who don’t have phones we went to their homes to remind them. On 16th was the day of CCO and we went to the hospital and pick the doctors. By around 9am the doctors were already at our Centre. The doctors started examine them one by one and give them medication. This time 5 clients didn’t come but the doctors asked them to go to hospital because they need to see them. One of our clients called Waziri is in bad condition and he is bedridden at home. He is very weak and even his skin has many dark spot. This month we lost one of our HIV clients. He died on the night of 21th of February and Fr Gigi prayed for the family.This month we had few clients which their BMI are below average and they supposed to get supplements from the hospital. Bad news is that at the hospital the supplements are out of stock. On 22th of February Jimmy, Doreen and Miro together with the president of the association Fr Gigi. We distribute food for HIV clients. The HIV clients were very happy to see Fr Gigi.  
